CAUTION: working with Alli may create a Board-CEO team that is actually unstoppable, and enjoys working together!
Here’s how I can support you:
Strategy and Planning
Perfect-fit strategy solutions that work for you and your Council, in-person and online.
Governance Culture
Customized high-performance coaching interventions that leave no Board member behind.
Packaged solutions for existing strategic plan audits, and solutions for one-person associations.
"You will not be able to get better bang for your buck!
I'm pretty sure you could spend a lot more bucks and not get much bang. Working with Alli is incredible value. CEOs & EDs want to use Alli is because she will do the work. And if you have some challenges on your Board she will help navigate those in the process."
- CEO, National Educational Association
How might you know if you’re ready to work with me?
Your strategic plan is expiring, or has already expired
Your Council doesn’t value, or isn’t as invested as they should be, in your current strategic plan
You need to engage your team in operational planning from your existing strategic plan
You want to engage your Board to be more active participants in improving governance
Your organizational identity (mission / vision / values / mandate / purpose) statements are out of date, or generally need some love

Ready to get started?
Let’s schedule a call to explore your needs
Here are some more details on my unique approach to serving customers at Strix, since 2006
The Strix Success Framework
Corporate best practices customized for non-profits
No B.S., pragmatic
advice and guidance
Fully invested in you and your organization's success
Simplifying complexity in
fun and
creative ways
Expert facilitation that creates meaningful change
Common questions people have before working with me:
Yes – I am the best fit for organizations when I work directly with the leader/s to pull out the organizational wisdom that’s essential for Council to make the best decisions. As needed, I have a roster of wildly-talented professionals that I can engage in projects and/or offer referrals to.
Yes and no. For custom projects, we design the entire process around your availability and competing commitments. The high-performance online working sessions that you agree to are booked at the start of the project, or in advance of phases for complex projects – so you have all the commitments solidified in your calendar in a way that works for you.
One of the things clients regularly thank me for is the quality of engagement in my facilitated workshops. I don’t shy away from challenging conversations and hold space for everyone to bring their full truth into the process, while also having some fun along the way. The end result is strong buy-in for the outcomes.
Because I work directly with internal leaders and Boards, in all aspects of the work, I can only work with a small group of clients at one time. I say that my clients rent a piece of my mind…and also my heart, while we work together. It’s not uncommon for me to wake up in the middle of the night to write down ideas for your project on a sticky note.
I’ve had the chance to work in numerous industries and fields since I founded Strix in 2006. I’ll be the first to let you know if I don’t think I have enough bench strength to support you effectively. But otherwise you can count on me to “get under the hood” to really understand your nuances and complexity on a level needed for intelligent strategy and governance interventions.
Actually, no. After helping for-profit clients to achieve hundreds of millions of dollars of revenue growth, I now apply that corporate rigor to organizations seeking to maximize their positive social impact.
I’m physically based in Moh’kinsstis/Calgary, Alberta. I work with clients across Canada, travelling as needed for in-person workshops. Online delivery is one of my specializations – to help Boards and Councils get more high-quality work done than they thought possible, saving travel costs and impacts.
I’m a senior consultant at the top of my game, so I don’t position as the lowest-cost provider, but rather the highest-value provider. Clients thank me for the “bang for the buck” that I provide, as I seek to deliver as much value as possible within our work. Besides, strategy and governance projects are usually some of the highest ROI / return on investment activities for organizations. In short, it’s an investment that pays off.