Straight-shooting strategy, governance and planning for impact-driven non-profits


Having a strategic plan that drives alignment, change and impact for all interested parties

A practical, demystified, and committed approach to good governance around your Board-Council table

And just how easy, and frankly fun, it would be to lead your organization to even greater success!!

Facilitation + consulting + Board coaching for non-profits who want to improve their strategy and governance

You’re a dynamic, collaborative and highly committed non-profit leader

You know in your bones how essential good governance and strategy is for your organization and the communities you serve.

And it’s so frustrating when Council meetings are derailed by shiny object syndrome, all while avoiding meaningful conversations and key governance activities. And don’t get me started on the ol’ strategic plan that’s gathering digital dust somewhere.

Here’s the real problem…

Boards and Councils often don’t understand what good governance or excellence in strategic planning looks like for impact-driven non-profits.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was…

An adaptable expert with a refreshingly practical approach to help you and your Board?

Someone who can find you at any point in your journey and guide you through that process, every step of the way?

Someone who cares as deeply about your organization and its mandate as you do?

Here I am, Alli Marshall

I’m the founder of Strix Insights, delivering superior customer value since 2006. I’m ready to support your efforts, online and in-person across Canada.

I offer zero-fluff strategy, governance and planning support for non-profits, including associations, government- and endowment-funded non-profits, and agile municipalities and M.D.s.

I’m known for being an engaging facilitator, insightful consultant, and transformational group coach for Boards and Councils.

Some call me “the best facilitator they’ve ever worked with” and I work hard to earn those kudos every day.

Why non-profit CEOs, Executive Directors, and Board members love working with me

"The work that you did with us was very successful. It was also new and different and fresh."

– CAO, Municipality

"Thank you so much for your brilliant work, tenacity, and pragmatic positivity, you are a true superstar!"

– CEO, National Professional Association

"We got great feedback from the Board on all your work! You did a fantastic job!"

– Past Chair, National Trade Association

How non-profit organizations achieve more impact with less headaches, with Strix:

Fresh, NO cookie cutter

Illuminating and expert

Practical and successful strategies

Photo credit: Don Lee

If you’re ready to take the sleepless nights out of strategy and governance, I’m just a click or a call away